Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Innocence lost!

"Dad asked me to remove all the photos from my album, Ughh, I hate him"- This was the status message of my kid cousin on facebook. My only respone was ' What are kids upto these days?' What do you say when you see a ten year old being addicted to a social networking site? As i was going through her profile I realized that I am far less active on facebook when compared to my kid cousin. I was pretty shocked and surprised to find a few random communities in my cousins profile the meaning of which she might not even know.

The other day my brother and I were discussing about how kids today are so fascinated about technology, internet,mobile phones etc at a very young age.Its sad that most of them seem more interested in creating an orkut or facebook profile than going out and playing some outdoor game! A few days back when a cousin of my age exclaimed that kids today are much more lucky when compared to us, I reacted to her comment with a complete look of disagreement on my face. I would rather prefer spending my childhood playing games and painting than spending hours in front of the internet doing nothing worthwhile!

So here are my questions! ( I might sound like a 50 year old asking all this)Why are kids today so fascinated about these networking sites? What makes them lie about their age just for the sake of joining these sites? Is it peer pressure which forces them to conform to a norm?

Would be glad to receive a few responses!


  1. well written...
    Maybe they get inspired by their senior cousins, sister/brothers, frnds etc and try it out frst and any such amateurs ll obviously get addicted to explore it more and more and they ll never get bored of it!

  2. May be its b cos they dont have a option....they feel that they d be left out if they dont get into all these. Back in our days, we were lucky that we had no such thing as orkut.

    Gr8 thoughts....and expressed in a very simple frank and straight forward manner! Looking forward for more of ur posts in coming days!
