You have had an ambition from several years. That ambition becomes your DREAM. A dream which you have been passionate about. A dream which drives you to do better every day. A dream which has shaped your choices in life. A dream, for which you have changed many things in life. A dream which you know is difficult to achieve but not IMPOSSIBLE!
One day, somebody comments that whatever you have dreamt of is something for which you are not good enough! A criticism which was unexpectedly expected. How do you deal with the criticism? Ignore it? Definitely no!
For a moment, you might feel frustrated that somebody has criticised you. You might feel like arguing back and saying that he or she is completely wrong. But... sit down and think about the reason behind the criticism. At least some part of it might be true. There might be something to learn from it. There might be a chance for you to correct whatever you have been doing. There might be a chance for improvement.
Taking criticism in a positive way helps you overcome your weakness because deep down you know that there is some truth in that criticism. It might seem very tough to accept your own faults and to work towards correcting them, but once you start doing it, you will definitely learn something worthwhile.
But, don’t let criticism change what you have believed in, what you have dreamt of. Do not let it change your focus. Take it as a lesson that you’ve learnt to make yourself better.